E-ISSN 2667-6540

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Referee Process

Referee Process

Referee Evaluation Process and Publication

The International Journal of Applied Biology and Environmental Science uses a double blinded referee method in the evaluation phase of all studies. In the case of the binary blind arbitrator, the author and the referee's identity is reserved.

First Assessment Process

The works sent to the International Journal of Applied Biology and Environmental Science are first evaluated by the editors. At this stage, works which do not comply with the content and scope of the journal, which are weak in terms of language and narrative rules in Turkish and English, contain scientific errors, have no original value and do not meet the publication rules are rejected. The author(s) of the rejected works shall be informed no later than two weeks after the date of submission.

Preliminary Evaluation Process

In this process, the submitted work is examined in detail by the relevant department editors in terms of both journal publication rules and originality. As a result of the examination, the studies which are not found suitable are returned to the author together with the section editor evaluation report within four weeks at the latest. Appropriate studies are transferred to the referee process and information is given to the author.

Referee Assignment Process

The works transferred to the arbitrator process are sent to 2 referees in the referee pool or sent to new referees to be proposed by the editor. The referees undertake that they will not share any information about the work at the evaluation stage.

Referee Evaluation Process

In this process, the referees make their evaluations within 3 weeks and enter the system. If any, the recommendations should be made within 4 weeks by the author and should be re-entered. The referee or editors may request more than one correction.

Evaluation Result

In accordance with the opinions received from the referees, the editor of the department completes the review within 2 weeks and reports the decision to the editor.

Editorial Board Decision

The section editor, based on the opinion of the referee, prepares opinions on the study. The opinions prepared by the editor are forwarded to the author (s) within one week at the latest, together with the section editor and referee suggestions. In this process, studies that have a negative opinion are returned without requesting plagiarism.

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